


Traditional surgery, while effective, can cause signifigant pain, 创伤, and long recover processes. 幸运的是,我们有侵入性较小的选择. For complex hysterectomies and other gynecologic procedures, 达芬奇机器人辅助手术® Surgical 系统 may be an effective, less invasive treatment option.

“Through tiny, 1- to 2-centimeter incisions, surgeons using the 达芬奇® 系统 can operate with greater 精度 and control, minimizing the pain and risk associated with large incisions while increasing the likelihood of a fast recovery and excellent clinical outcomes.”

机器人手术vs. 传统的手术

传统的妇科开放手术, using a large incision for access to the uterus and surrounding anatomy, has for many years been the standard approach to many gynecologic procedures. 然而,开放手术可能会带来明显的疼痛, 创伤, a long recovery process and threat to surrounding organs and nerves. 对于面临妇科手术的女性, 痛苦的时期, discomfort and extended time away from normal daily activities that usually follows traditional surgery can understandably cause significant anxiety.

另外, the Robotic Surgery Center at 澳门在线赌城娱乐 offers a minimal invasive approach to hysterectomy and other GYN procedures. 在达芬奇手术系统的帮助下, surgeons are able to make tiny incisions with greater control and 精度. The Da Vinci helps reduces the surgical risk and allows our clients to return to normal activity in just 2 weeks.


DaVinci GYN surgery offers many benefits including:

  • 低失血
  • 并发症发生率低
  • 缩短住院时间
  • 更快的恢复时间
  • 微小的伤疤


达芬奇的作品® 系统, surgeons operate through a few small incisions instead of a large open incision – similar to traditional laparoscopy. 达·芬奇® 系统 features a magnified 3D high-definition vision system and special wristed instruments that bend and rotate far greater than the human wrist. 结果是, 达芬奇 enables your surgeon to operate with enhanced vision, 精度, 灵巧和控制.

最先进的达·芬奇® uses the latest in surgical and robotics technologies and is beneficial for performing complex and delicate surgery. Your surgeon is 100% in control of the 达芬奇 系统, which translates his or her hand movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny instruments inside your body. 达芬奇® – taking surgery beyond the limits of the human hand.


Depending on how severe your symptoms are, your treatments and conditions may differ. Some gynecologic conditions can be eased with lifestyle changes or medicine, 其他人可能需要手术. With the minimal invasive approach helps reduces many of the risks and may be a more desirable alternative then many traditional approaches.


  • Fibroids – non-cancerous growths in the uterine wall
  • Endometriosis- non-cancerous growths of the uterine line
    • The tissue that lines your uterus also grows outside of your uterus. This tissue is called implants or lesions, and is usually found in your pelvic area.
    • Endometriosis is usually diagnosed between ages 25 to 35 but can occur anytime during a woman’s reproductive years, 从月经到更年期.
  • 脱垂——子宫下垂或滑落
  • Benign conditions may affect a woman’s reproductive system


Many common symptoms of gynecologic are abdominal pain, bleeding and swelling or bloating. Depending on your gynecologic condition you may experience more then one symptoms:

    • 疼痛
    • 盆腔不适
    • 骨盆压力
    • 腹部压痛
    • 腹部绞痛
    • 背痛
    • 背部疼痛
    • 排尿和/或排便疼痛
    • 性交疼痛
    • 出血
    • 大出血或异常出血
    • 出血超过7天
    • 持续时间超过21天
    • 月经间隔超过35天
    • 月经间隔出血
    • 绝经后出血
    • 通过的血凝块
    • 性交后出血
    • 带血的阴道分泌物
    • 排尿困难或排便困难
    • 不孕不育
    • 膀胱或直肠有压迫感
    • 阴道或子宫滑倒或脱落
    • 骨盆感到沉重或有压力
    • 恒腹压
    • 肿胀或腹胀
    • 我急着要小便
    • 复发性尿路感染
    • 站立或行走时疼痛

Talk to you Doctor if your are bothered by any of the symptoms above.

All surgery presents risk, 包括达芬奇手术. 结果,包括美容结果,可能会有所不同.  Serious complications may occur in any surgery, up to and including death. Examples of serious and life-threatening complications, 可能需要住院治疗, include injury to tissues or organs; bleeding; infection, and internal scarring that can cause long-lasting dysfunction or pain. Temporary pain or nerve injury has been linked to the inverted position often used during abdominal and pelvic surgery. 病人 should understand that risks of surgery include potential for human error and potential for equipment failure. Risk specific to minimally invasive surgery may include: a longer operative time; the need to convert the procedure to other surgical techniques; the need for additional or larger incision sites; a longer operation or longer time under anesthesia than your surgeon originally predicts.  Converting the procedure to open could mean a longer operative time, 长时间麻醉, 并可能导致并发症的增加. Research suggests that there may be an increased risk of incision-site hernia with single-incision surgery. 易出血患者, 血液凝固异常, are pregnant or morbidly obese are typically not candidates for minimally invasive surgery, 包括达芬奇手术. 其他手术方法也是可行的. 病人 should review the risks associated with all surgical approaches. They should talk to their doctors about their surgical experience and to decide if 达芬奇 is right for them. For more complete information on surgical risks, safety and indications for use, please refer to http://www.davincisurgery.com/da-vinci-surgery/safety-information.php